Great communities


Avondale, Gilbert, Queen Creek, San Tan Valley and Surprise


  • 99th Ave. & Thomas
  • 3 - 7 Bedrooms
  • 1,845 - 3,688 Sq. Ft.
  • Payments from: $2,217 / mo


Choose from 14 different floorplans in
2 neighborhood series!


Easy living in Gilbert

  • Williams Field and Recker
  • 3 - 6 Bedrooms
  • 1,693 - 2,926 Sq. Ft.
  • Payments from: $2,869 / mo

Cooley Station

Choose from 21 different floorplans in
3 neighborhood series!

Queen Creek

A premier SE Valley community

  • Queen Creek & Signal Butte Rd.
  • 3 - 9 Bedrooms
  • 1,691 - 4,595 Sq. Ft.
  • Payments from: $2,406 / mo

Barney Farms

Choose from 32 different floorplans in
4 neighborhood series!

San Tan Valley

Gorgeous SE Valley Masterplan

  • Hunt Hwy & Mtn Vista Blvd.
  • 2 - 7 Bedrooms
  • 1,595 - 3,857 Sq. Ft.
  • Payments from: $1,932 / mo


Choose from 19 different floorplans in
3 neighborhood series!


A Premier NW Valley Community

  • Pinnacle Peak & 163rd Ave.
  • 2 - 8 Bedrooms
  • 1,391 - 4,732 Sq. Ft.
  • Payments from: $1,821 / mo


Choose from 29 different floorplans in
4 neighborhood series!

  • Reems & Waddell Rd.
  • 3 - 8 Bedrooms
  • 1,340 - 3,688 Sq. Ft.
  • Payments from: $1,966 / mo


Choose from 18 different floorplans in
3 neighborhood series!

† Monthly payment represents simple principal and interest, based on down payment, interest rate and a loan term you supply. It excludes taxes, insurance, PMI and HOA fees.
Contact a Fulton Homes sales agent to discover exactly how a new Fulton Home will fit into your monthly budget.
To change the loan rate and term to suit your needs, simply use the mortgage calculator on our floorplan pages to adjust the parameters. Payments amounts throughout the site will reflect the mortgage parameters you select.


